Share your views on our procurement process for investment works
Welcoming the new Older People’s Housing Taskforce to Grace House
We hosted both the Housing Minister and Care Minister for a VIP visit and tour of Grace House, C&C’s flagship new housing scheme for over-55s in London.
Investing in our homes
Investing in our homes is essential. It not only forms part of our commitment to provide safe, well-maintained homes for our customers, but it also plays a big part in providing a customer experience that’s future proof.
Our latest Customer Annual Report
I’m pleased to be able to share our customer annual report for 2021/22, which includes updates about our work to provide safe, well-maintained homes, and modern reliable customer services.
Diversity and Inclusion – a chance to celebrate our differences
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) touches everyone, from our background and life experiences to the things that shape who we are and what we believe in.
For us at Aster, we strongly believe in treating everyone with respect, being an ally and creating a safe space so that we can all be honest about who we are, if we want to.
Our Version Media – embracing opportunity and uplifting communities
As a social landlord, we’re always looking for opportunities to celebrate our communities, listen to our customers’ views and promote their lived experiences.
Customer Voice – listening, learning, and acting on customer feedback
Our customers' thoughts, views and experiences play a crucial role in how we shape our strategy, make improvements, and provide a better service for all our customers.