About us


We are committed to ensuring that our business is well-run and that we are true to our social purpose and the vision and values which drive our success.

Our Overlap Boards are responsible for making sure we meet these commitments supported by our Executive Board. The overall role and purpose of the Executive Board is to ensure that there is effective leadership of, and a system of assurance between, the operations of the Aster Group and the Overlap Boards and their sub-committees.



Our group structure

Aster Group brings together our specialist housing businesses under one brand, ‘Aster’. The parent company of our Group is Aster Group Limited. 

In 2014 we introduced an ‘overlapping’ or ‘integrated’ board structure. This means that the same people sit on the boards of a number of group companies and that these boards meet at the same time. The legal identities of these companies and the directors’ duties to each company remain separate. 

This cross-membership framework allows our parent company and five key subsidiary boards to meet regularly as  “Overlap Boards” ensuring that we think and act as one organisation with a shared purpose and vision. Our special purpose companies have their own board of directors. 

On 31 March 2020 East Boro Housing Trust joined Aster Group. As part of the Group, East Boro retains its own Board and governance structure.

more information about Aster companies

Our boards and committees

We annually appraise our board members and have robust selection and appointment processes to ensure our boards are fit for purpose. 

The role of our Overlap Boards

Our Overlap Boards are responsible for the strategic direction, vision and purpose of our organisation. They also make sure that we are efficiently run, compliant and accountable, and also, fair and open in our relationships with our customers and the communities we impact.

  • Bjorn Howard
  • Chris Benn
  • Mehul Desai
  • Caroline Wehrle
  • Amanda Williams
  • Tracey Peters
  • Mike McCullen
  • Clive Barnett
  • Claire Whitaker CBE
  • Stephen Trusler


Aster Communities Board

In addition to the members of the Overlap Boards..

  • Richard Clewer

The Executive Board

Our Executive Board is the leadership team responsible for the day-to-day running of Aster Group and driving its success and corporate strategy and plan. The team is led by Bjorn Howard, our Group CEO.

  • Bjorn Howard
  • Chris Benn
  • Rachel Credidio
  • Dawn Fowler-Stevens
  • Amanda Williams
  • Emma O'Shea

Our Customer Overview Group

Our Customer Overview Group which reports to the Customer and Community Network, is led by our customer volunteers who review our performance, provide constructive feedback and ensure customer involvement in the shaping of our strategies and policies.

  • Debbie Cattell - Hampshire customer

  • Graham Warren – Hampshire Customer
  • Paul Goodall Devon Customer
  • Sue Cutler Dorset Customer
  • Mark Lee - Dorset customer

  • Judith Pamely – Wiltshire Customer
  • Karen Gregory – Wiltshire customer

Our Customer Scrutiny Panel

The Customer Scrutiny Panel (CSP) is an independent panel of customers and sits within the overall customer involvement structure and supports the Customer and Community Network (CCN) which forms part of Asters Governance structure.  It meets the co-regulatory requirements of the Regulatory Standards for social housing in England.

The CSP provides recommendations for change in its scrutiny reports..

Providing an independent and objective assessment of services and business processes from a customer perspective..

  • Kate Forth (Chair and Information Coordinator)
  • David Conroy (Vice Chair and Media Coordinator)
  • Richard Harrison
  • Roy Hunt

Read the ASB abridged report here.

Read the Planned Maintenance abridged version here.

Read the Lettings abridged version here.

Our committees

The work of the Overlap Boards is delegated to and carried out by our specialised committees:

  • Customer and Community Network
  • Group People & Culture Committee

  • Group Risk & Assurance Committee

  • Group Treasury & Finance Committee

  • Aster 55 Committee


Complying with regulations

Aster Group is a not-for-dividend developer and landlord.

We are subject to a diverse range of laws, rules and regulations relevant to our business which we must take all reasonable steps to comply with. Regulatory compliance describes the policies, systems and processes we use to achieve compliance. Operating with a framework to support our ongoing compliance and providing assurance to our decision-makers, ensures they can make informed decisions based on accurate and credible information.

Examples of Aster’s regulators are:

  • The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH)
  • Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
  • Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH), sets ‘Economic’ and ‘Consumer’ standards all housing associations are expected to meet.  Aster holds a rating of G1 (governance) and V1 (financial viability), meaning Aster is well run and financially sound.

Economic standards relate to governance, financial viability, rent-setting and value for money. Consumer or ‘customer’ standards determine the services our customers can expect to receive. These include expectations about involvement, the physical quality of their home, their tenancy arrangements and the landlord’s role in their neighbourhood.

Speaking Up

Aster Group is committed to the highest standards of openness, probity and accountability.

We will not tolerate fraud, dishonesty or impropriety and will investigate all suspected instances by employees, board members, customers or external partners.

See More

Modern Slavery Statement 2023/24

As a provider of social housing and care services, we know that we have a responsibility to prevent and recognise slavery and human trafficking within all our business activities and supply chains. We will never knowingly support or deal with any business whose operations involve slavery or human trafficking in any way.

Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity across our own activities and to provide assurance we have effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Read our full statement

Rules of Associations

Aster Communities and Synergy Housing Limited have community shareholders and the rules of the associations are provided here for reference

Aster Communities Rules Synergy Housing Rules

Tax Strategy

The tax strategy for Aster Group was approved on 3rd February 2025. The strategy includes our general tax arrangements and policy, how we manage UK tax risks, what our attitude to tax planning is and how we work with HMRC.

Tax Strategy 2025

For claims after July 30th 2018

Arthur J Gallagher Housing Ltd (portal ID G00315)
27-30 Railway Street

CM1 1QS 

Insurance number for property claims – 18/RSL/10340/A

Insurance number for liability claims – 100657745CLP

For claims up to and including July 30th 2018

Zurich Municipal 
Zurich House 
2 Gladiator Way 
GU14 6GB

Insurance Number - JHA22S086-0013


Our RSH rating

We are assessed by the RSH (formerly called the HCA) on governance and viability. Aster has received a G1/V1 which is the RSH's highest rating in both of these categories.

  • Governance - G1: The provider meets the requirements on governance set out in the Governance and Financial Viability Standard.
  • Viability - V1: The provider meets the requirements on viability set out in the Governance and Financial Viability Standard and has the capacity to mitigate its exposures effectively.


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Board information

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Public affairs and MP engagement

We actively engage and work with our stakeholders across our business, contributing to debates & consultations as well as meeting our local MPs.

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