Transparency Statement

Updated June 2024

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Our commitment

We’re committed to being as open and transparent as we can be. We support an ‘ask us anything’ culture but please be aware that we’re not able to share information which could compromise our legal, commercial or contractual obligations. We’re open about our vision and purpose, how we provide our services, spending and performance. We provide all the information listed in this statement on our website and we update it regularly. We can provide this information in other languages and formats. We’ll review the information we provide each year taking account of any requests we’ve had for other information.

The legal requirements

Aster isn’t a “public authority” as defined by Section 3 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 so the requirements under the Act for public authorities to share information don’t apply to us. But we’re still committed to helping our stakeholders understand our business, so we’ll take account of the information we’re regularly asked for when we review and update our website.

Information we share

We are a provider of social housing that the Regulator considers to have the highest standard of governance, this means being well managed and delivering our purpose efficiently and ensuring we make the best use of our resources. Part of how we meet this standard is to publish a wide range of information about how we deliver our services, run our business and how we are performing. This includes;

Our Policies

Such as our policies on: Aids and Adaptations, Lettings, Tenancy, Repairs and Maintenance, Right to Buy/Right to Acquire, Service Charges, Recharges, AntiSocial Behaviour, Complaints, Compensation, Safeguarding Adults at Risk, Safeguarding Children, Estate Management, Domestic Abuse, Empty Homes, Leasehold Management, Income Recovery, Pets, Customer Voice, Gas, Oil and Solid Fuel Safety, Diversity & Inclusion, Infestation and Pest, Environmental Sustainability and Data Protection.

Information for our customers

  • Advice on the process of bidding for a rented property and making an offer on a house.
  • Examples of different types of Tenancy Agreement.
  • Guidelines setting out circumstances when your bid might be rejected and you would not be offered a property.
  • Our Advice Hub and Repairs Handbook.
  • A guide for existing customer on finding a home more suitable for you through mutual exchange.
  • Information about how services are delivered such as; our lettable standard, environmental services (including communal grounds maintenance), estate management, arboriculture (trees) management and works, anti-social behaviour and complaints.
  • Information about rent and service charges and what to do if you’re struggling to pay.
  • Information to help you stay safe in your home.

How we are performing

  • Our Customer Annual report.
  • Economic Impact Report.
  • Previous Value for Money self-assessments.
  • Reports from our Customer Scrutiny Panel.
  • Details about our ambitious development programme and investment in new homes.

To ensure we meet our legal obligations, we also publish;

  • A report on our Gender Pay Gap.
  • Our Data Protection, Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and a Privacy Notice which details how we collect and use your personal data.
  • A Modern Slavery Statement, setting out our actions to ensure that modern slavery does not exist within Aster or across our supply chain.
  • Our Annual Report, including our financial performance.
  • Our Self-Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code.

In addition to the above, we chose to be transparent and publish information about;

  • Our business – our structure, our corporate strategy, our strategic themes and our enablers.
  • Governance – our regulatory environment and compliance and our RSH rating
  • Our Board – the membership and pay, vision, purpose and terms of reference.
  • Our Committees of the Board – the membership, purpose and terms of reference.
  • Our Customer Panels – the membership and purpose.
  • Our Executive Team – the membership, structure and responsibilities, combined pay and benefits.
  • A material supplier charter for our suppliers and contractors and our payment performance.
  • Information about how suppliers can work with us and apply to be an approved supplier.
  • Our housebuilding activity and insight into some of our development sites.
  • Information about our funding activity such our publicly listed bond.
  • Information about why we’re choosing to sell poor performing assets.
  • Our Insurers and how to contact them
  • How to ‘Speak Up’ and raise a concern about unethical practice.
  • Our reports on Shared Ownership and why we’re committed to delivering more shared ownership homes.
  • Our ratings from key stakeholders – such as our credit rating.
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