Our reaction to the government’s investment to support social and affordable housebuilding
Amanda Williams, our Chief Investment Officer, responds to the government's investment to support boost in social and affordable housebuilding
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Amanda Williams, our Chief Investment Officer, responds to the government's investment to support boost in social and affordable housebuilding
With the average house in Wickham commanding a £580,094 price tag, the local housing association Aster Group has handed over some much-needed affordable new homes to Wickham Community Land Trust (WCLT).
A housing officer at a sheltered housing scheme based in Maida Vale, London, has been handed a national award after saving the life of an elderly resident.
Colleagues at housing association Aster Group are wearing white ribbons as part of a campaign to raise awareness of violence against women and girls.
Local housing association Aster has selected Wiltshire Mind and Mind’s Somerset, Andover and Dorset branches as its annual charity partners.
Housing association Aster Group has gifted £36,000 of its apprenticeship levy to family-run Nightingale Retirement Care home in Bromley.
Hampshire housing association Aster Group has surveyed nearly 4,000 of its customers’ homes across Hampshire as part of a wider project to assess the condition of its entire estate.
Award winning housing association, Aster Group, has recently recruited new plumbing apprentices, helping to kickstart their careers in the industry.
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