We’ve raised £20,000 for Dementia UK
Through our charity events and individual fundraising, we’ve raised over £20,000 for our Charity of the Year, Dementia UK.

Reducing our carbon footprint
We consider our sustainability goals when we make long term decisions, when we invest in your homes and communities and even when we talk to you about the changes you’d like to see in the future.

Investing in community improvements
We’re continuing to invest tens of millions of pounds in maintaining and repairing your homes and communities.

Spot the signs of a scam
Like many businesses, unfortunately we are not immune to scammers imitating us in order to make fraudulent calls.

Surveying your home
We’ve appointed Savills to survey our customers’ homes this year, including yours, to help us better plan for future investment, understand where improvements need to be made and ensure that your home is safe and well maintained.

Your rent from April 2022
Last month we let you know about the changes to your rent from April and answered some of the questions you had about this.

Have you considered home contents insurance?
Contents insurance can help you to cover the cost of unexpected problems in your home if you have an emergency like a flood or fire.