How Customer Feedback Shaped Our 2023/24 Customer Annual Report

We are excited to announce that our latest Customer Annual Report for 2023/24 is now available for you to explore here. This year, we made significant strides based on customers’ feedback to ensure the report is as clear, informative and user-friendly as possible.

Listening to our customers

Whilst developing this year’s report, we listened to and acted on feedback we have received. This includes insights from previous Customer Annual Reports and direct recommendations from our involved customers. These customers who previewed the report gave valuable input on the language, content, and overall user experience.

Positive feedback and constructive criticism

We are pleased to share that 80% of our involved customers that reviewed the report found the content to be good, with clear and concise language. We also received feedback that the report is both helpful and informative. It was suggested to us that the new Tenants Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) tables were difficult to interpret, and this feedback informed our work on simplifying the tables to make them more friendly.

Addressing challenges and modernising services

Some customers expressed a desire to learn more about the challenges we faced throughout the year. We also included explanations of the steps we have taken to address these challenges and our plans that continue to modernise our customer services. We added more infographics and videos to highlight our future plans and service improvements.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the customers who participated in reviewing and providing feedback on this year’s report. Your insights have been invaluable in shaping a report that delivers on our customers’ expectations.

Share your thoughts

We hope you enjoy the report, and we are keen to hear your feedback. There’s a survey within the report pages to capture your comments and thoughts. Alternatively, you can contact us directly at

Customer Annual Report 2024

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