Angela Rayner’s Housing plan

Bjorn Howard, Group CEO at Aster Group, said:

“It was heartening to hear the deputy prime minister reiterate the government’s plans to build more homes. The importance of increasing mandatory targets cannot be underestimated – it sets out an important direction of travel for our sector.

“Like Angela Rayner, I understand that housing associations will be vital in driving the generational boost in social and affordable homes needed. And we support the drive from government for more mixed-used housing projects. That is the key to solving the housing crisis – building a greater variety of homes of different tenures so that increasing volume also improves our ability to meet a variety of housing needs.

“We stand firm that a range of tenures must be delivered. Affordable ownership homes, like shared ownership, are just as important as social and affordable rent. They not only provide a viable route onto the ladder for those with ownership aspirations and a secure, long-term alternative to private rent, but also create capital that housing associations reinvest to build more new affordable homes.”

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