Finding security and stability, Lisa’s journey to buying her home at 54.

When we spoke with Lisa, a 54-year-old from Warminster, it was clear that her journey to buy a home had been anything but straightforward. After years of renting and moving between properties, Lisa finally found the stability she’d been searching for through shared ownership. Her story highlights how shared ownership can help those who might feel that buying a home is out of reach.

A life of constant moves

Lisa has lived in Warminster her entire life, but for years, she struggled to find a permanent place to call home. After a marriage breakdown, she found herself raising her children on her own, moving from one rented property to another—seven times in 11 years. Each move brought with it the uncertainty of how long they could stay before needing to pack up again.

At one point, things became so challenging that Lisa ended up in a hostel. “It was probably the worst few months of my life,” she shared with us. Despite working full-time, she was told she could afford private rent, but with prices being what they are, it was a constant struggle. All she wanted was a stable home where she and her family could feel secure.

Discovering shared ownership

Lisa hadn’t initially considered buying her own home. “I didn’t really know anything about shared ownership,” she admitted. But when someone suggested it to her, she decided to explore the option. At 54, getting a traditional mortgage was challenging. The repayments would have been too high, given the shorter term available due to her age, and she didn’t have the substantial deposit required.

That’s when shared ownership started to look like a viable solution. After reaching out to Aster and doing some research on their website, Lisa and her husband decided to give it a try. The smaller deposit—around £5,500—and more manageable monthly payments made it possible for them to consider buying a home, something they hadn’t thought was within their reach.

A rollercoaster ride

Lisa’s path to homeownership wasn’t without its hurdles. The couple found a home they loved and applied for it, only to be told that someone with greater needs had been given priority. Then, just as they were adjusting to the disappointment, they got a call saying the deal had fallen through and they could reapply—only to lose it to someone else again.

“It was heartbreaking,” Lisa told us. “When you’ve been to look at it and you’ve fallen in love with something, it’s like, oh no, you’re heartbroken.” But as fate would have it, the third time was the charm. The deal fell through for the other party once more, and this time, it was theirs.

Finding a home

Moving into their shared ownership home was a moment of triumph for Lisa and her husband. “We just love it here. It’s so quiet, and it’s a lovely house. I love it,” Lisa said, her voice full of warmth and contentment. For her, it’s more than just a house—it’s a place where she finally feels settled, where she can decorate and make it her own without needing to ask anyone’s permission.

One of her favourite features is the spacious kitchen with patio doors that open up to the garden, a space she enjoys every day. But more than the physical attributes of the house, it’s the sense of security that means the most to her. “I think it’s the security. After moving so many times, I just wanted to feel settled, and I just feel so settled here.”

Why shared ownership was the perfect fit

For Lisa, shared ownership was a lifeline. It offered her and her husband the chance to get on the property ladder at an age when they thought it might be impossible. The security of knowing that they could eventually buy the rest of their home through staircasing, and that their monthly payments were affordable, made all the difference.

“We would have still been renting if it wasn’t for shared ownership,” Lisa reflected. The smaller deposit and manageable monthly payments were crucial in making home buying a reality for her.

Looking to the future

As Lisa looks to the future, she’s considering the possibility of buying more of the house through staircasing. She’s also been recommending shared ownership to friends and family, including her niece, who has since purchased a home just around the corner. “It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done,” Lisa says with conviction.

For anyone out there wondering if shared ownership is right for them, Lisa’s advice is simple: “I would tell them to do it.” Whether you’re younger and trying to get on the property ladder or someone like Lisa who thought home buying was out of reach, shared ownership can open doors you never thought possible.

Lisa’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to find a place to call your own. And sometimes, the right opportunities come along just when you need them most.